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Witty Protector of Iron Glen rating 2076
PVP Games - 6 50 % win
R(1600, 2076)= win 113 / -10 lose -7 / 7
RedSunBot10Witty Protector of Iron Glen7/11/2022 8:07:13 PM 
Witty Protector of Iron Glen10RedSunBot7/10/2022 7:59:16 PM 
RedSunBot10Witty Protector of Iron Glen7/10/2022 7:51:09 PM 
Witty Protector of Iron Glen01RedSunBot7/10/2022 7:21:56 PM 
RedSunBot01Witty Protector of Iron Glen7/8/2022 2:49:33 PM 
Witty Protector of Iron Glen10RedSunBot7/8/2022 1:28:39 AM