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Tabbaab The Tormentor rating 1824 Perfotmance 2268
PVP Games - 13 23 % win
R(1600, 1824)= win 94 / -10 lose -10 / 26
Tabbaab The Tormentor10RedSunBot1/9/2025 3:45:06 PM 
Tabbaab The Tormentor01J++Z1/9/2025 12:42:00 PM 
Tabbaab The Tormentor10EdoardoGando1/9/2025 12:32:46 PM 
non10RedSunBot1/9/2025 12:31:24 PM 
Tabbaab The Tormentor01RedSunBot1/9/2025 11:40:37 AM 
RogueAttic211RedSunBot1/9/2025 11:37:29 AM 
rungtip wim10RedSunBot1/6/2025 2:54:11 PM 
Tabbaab The Tormentor10RedSunBot1/6/2025 2:33:41 PM 
اللاعب_336093129011RedSunBot1/6/2025 2:28:22 PM 
Tabbaab The Tormentor01RedSunBot1/5/2025 2:00:44 PM 
Tabbaab The Tormentor01RedSunBot1/5/2025 1:40:59 PM 
Tabbaab The Tormentor01RedSunBot1/5/2025 1:33:13 PM 
Tabbaab The Tormentor01RedSunBot1/5/2025 1:18:46 PM