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Foolish Lamprey of Maroon Keep 4402 vs RedSunBot 2888 3/23/2023 12:24:29 PM 12 minutes


Rating NameTeam  Result 
3529 Foolish Lamprey of Maroon Keep-1 371171122112812 119766/1174000
2806 RedSunBot-1 2372819632261283113391211328 2882900 Strategy
4032 GlidingCodger54697-1 3131 10952/116000
2588 non-1 259503/00
2806 RedSunBot-1 2372819632261283113391211328 2882900 Strategy
2806 RedSunBot-1 2372819632261283113391211328 2882900 Strategy

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